
Holis Data Sculpture 2015
We designed Data Sculptures for the first waste free store in Linz.



At V2_ in Rotterdam summer 2014
Presentation of the Taste of Data project at V2_ Institute for Unstable Media.


Taste of Data Blog

Gabriele Heidecker Preis 27.06.2014
Together with my college Vesela Mihaylova, I received the Gabriele Heidecker Preis for the Taste of Data project.

heidecker preis

Taste of Data Blog

Klackerlaken kids workshop 25.07.2013
basic electronic workshop for kids

klackerlaken workshop

more about the klackerlaken idea
ArtUp! PARABOLE Exhibition 29.04.2013
Presentation at the Goethe Institut Sofia during the PARABOLE Exhibition.



detail information about the Acidable
more about ArtUP!

TEI ’13
Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction
10.-13.02.2012, Barcelona, Spain

The “Acidable” got selected to be presented in the Design Challenge Track during the ongoing conference. After six kilogram of squeezing oranges I got a pain in my right hand.


Bill Verplank, the chair of the Design Challenge, enjoying his freshly pressed orange juice.

detail information about the Acidable
more about TEI ’13

exhibition: 01.-08.02.13
nomadenetappe – Kunst und Theorie

Videogames for bacteria, poetic ways of typing with keyboards, analogue social networks or visualizations of colliding human lifes are among many others, the contents of the exhibition Metaphors. Thirteen emerging international artists studying at the Interface Culture Master of the Kunstuniversität Linz were commissioned by one of their lecturers to produce a final project for the spaces of nomadenetappe. The works will show an overview of individual interpreted destabilizations of industrial standards, challenging the audience to interact with the metaphors surrounding us in a new and fresh manner and with unexpected results.


Dont’t hide me!
Work in progress. The esthetical work with electronic parts shows the beauty of working electronic circuits which are normally hidden in products.

Roboexotica 2012

“Answers in the bottom of a glass” is a bar table at which participants can sit and enjoy their drink. When it is empty, vibrations from the table will be amplified by the glass or cup, allowing the participant to listen to a selection of appropriate sound bytes emanating from the bottom of the bottle – referencing myths and stereotypes of bar and drinking culture, such as the adage “Looking at the world from the bottom of a glass”.

Small project for the roboexotica festival 2012 in Vienna by Oliver Kellow and Veronika Krenn. Contact speakers embedded in a normal bar table transmuted an empty glas or an beer cane into an advice giving oracle.

more about roboexotica